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Dawn Pallant Memorial Trophy

This week, we held our second “Dawn Pallant Memorial’ Competition. This competition commemorates Dawn – who was a much-loved member of the Camera Club for several years until her untimely death in December 2021.


To celebrate her life, her love of photography and her great sense of fun, this competition places  the gentlemen and ladies into battle against each other. Each team picks their 30 best digital images which are then are randomised and presented anonymously to the judge.


 It is a great night with laughs and camaraderie from both sides. This year, the ladies were the victors by a convincing 520 points to the gentlemen’s 512 (even though the men claimed the top two slots)!


All of the images can be viewed, with their scores, on photo-entry, but here are the winning six images as determined by our judge, Ralph Snook (ARPS)

click on an image to start slideshow

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